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Anna C. Brandenburg and family

The Billy E. Brandenburg Memorial Endowment was established by his wife Anna, daughter Alisa and son David.  Billy began work as a security officer at Walters State Community College in 1980.  Years later, Brandenburg entered Walters State's basic law enforcement recruit academy to become a certified police officer, and at 58, he became the oldest man in Tennessee to complete a basic law enforcement academy.  In fact, he earned high grades and served as class president.  According to Anna, Billy "loved the staff and the students. He could sense when students were in need and always tried to help.  Billy had a wonderful sense of humor and was known for playing practical jokes."  The Brandenburgs were married 55 years.  The Billy E. Brandenburg Endowment remains open for additional donations.
Scholarships associated with Anna C. Brandenburg and family
  • Billy E. Brandenburg Memorial Scholarship Endowment